
25 March 2004

Medal of Honor

Lots going on in work today, nothing interesting, just reports and meetings.

On a lighter note, I'm really enjoying playing Medal of Honor at home. Can't believe I didn't get the game until now. Got a great bundle which includes the original game and the 2 expansion packs in one package.

Also looking forward to Half-Life 2. Damn delays!!!

22 March 2004


I can't recommend enough a great plugin for Microsoft Outlook called NewsGator. It integrates flawlessly with Outlook and allows you to download news feeds (RSS, RDF, etc.), USENET newsgroups and weblogs such as LiveJournal. And with another small plugin you can post directly to your weblog from Outlook.

First Post

Historic first post to my new LiveJournal :) Wahoo! Here I shall rant and rave about interests, revelations and other stuff.

I'll try to post the odd photo too, if possible.