
31 January 2005

New Stuff

Got lots of new stuff in the past few days.

When I got back from Tasha's last night, 3 issues of Gothic Beauty were waiting for me. I also subscribed for 4 issues to get them directly in the future.

I also bought a few CDs:

Marilyn Manson - Lest We Forget (with DVD) (original copy up for grabs)
Rammstein - Sehnsucht
Rob Zombie - Past, Present & Future (with DVD)
Screaming Banshee Aircrew - Fishnet Messiah
Within Temptation - Mother Earth

Bit of a mix there. Some metal, psychobilly & some new UK stuff.

21 January 2005

My Cool Printer

I may have mentioned before that my mum & dad bought me an excellent Epson RX500 printer for Xmas but up until now I've only used it for the basics i.e. printing & scanning.

Last night, I tried out the negative scanning facilities on it. And I have to say, they're fantastic. You lock your film into an adaptor, launch the software and it picks out each photo and scans it in one swoop. The quality is great and better than scanned printed photos (less dust and sharper image).

Quality stuff. Lots of negatives to scan. Scanned in all Tasha's family photos before, took me 4 days.

19 January 2005

Hellraiser DVDs

For a long while the latest Hellraiser movies (Bloodlines & Inferno) haven't been available on DVD in Region 2.

Thankfully, they appeared on Amazon UK and I ordered them post haste.

I had Bloodlines on VHS. I quiet liked it despite what some people say. It adds to the history of the Lament Configuration and introduces some interesting new Cenobites. The creation of the twins is pretty gruesome too.

Inferno was brand new to me. It kind of felt like a TV movie though, cops and robbers. The new Cenobites in it were pretty weird looking too. Some good gory sequences though like a lashing-to-death with a razor hooked cat-o-nine-tails.

10 January 2005

What's Going On...???

Not a lot really.

Tasha and I are trying to decide what to do in relation to a house. We want to get away from living with parents. Should we rent or is it money wasted? Apartment or house? Blah blah madness.

We're also trying to decide where to head for Tasha's birthday. Our choices are, somewhere in Ireland down the country, London or somewhere else in the UK.

Have loads of stuff I want to sell too and nowhere to sell it.

What to do?

04 January 2005

Happy New Year

It's a bit late but I've been out of work and had no time to post.

Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone out there.

Kind of glad to have Xmas out of the way. Had a lot of social stress coming up to it. Thankfully that's sorted now.

Tasha bought me loads of stuff. Bit mad she is. Lots of DVDs, books, toys and things.

My brother also surprised us again with a lovely Nightmare Before Christmas desk lamp and photo frame. Suppose, it's easier for him cause we all shop in Forbidden Planet.

My mum and dad got me the fancy All in One Epson RX500 printer I had my eye on. It's very smart and produces excellent prints.

Back in work now. Have to come up with a new project to occupy myself.