
21 January 2005

My Cool Printer

I may have mentioned before that my mum & dad bought me an excellent Epson RX500 printer for Xmas but up until now I've only used it for the basics i.e. printing & scanning.

Last night, I tried out the negative scanning facilities on it. And I have to say, they're fantastic. You lock your film into an adaptor, launch the software and it picks out each photo and scans it in one swoop. The quality is great and better than scanned printed photos (less dust and sharper image).

Quality stuff. Lots of negatives to scan. Scanned in all Tasha's family photos before, took me 4 days.


  1. see you might as well be speaking Greek to me.. I am not good with printers

  2. Ah yes. But I see you got a fancy new techy phone recently.

    Everyone loves gadgets in one way or another.

    I'm just a little addicted
