
30 April 2008

UK Visit

Tomorrow I'll be flying off to London for work. On site for a big patch deployment. If all goes well, I'll be standing around most of the time. If not, panic stations!

Other than that, we're settled back into Tasha's mum's which was surprisingly quick. Must be down to the fact we were so prepared for the day. Had a few issues with the hand over which caused further upset but now they are resolved.

There is another house in Sandyford just on the market which we will be looking at next week.

28 April 2008

Sad Day

Today Tasha and I finish up in our rental house in Leopardstown. We have the last small few things packed into the back of the car and after work we hand over the keys and it's back to Tasha's mum's house.

It was great having the space and it will be difficult to adjust back to just one room but we will be saving a lot of money so there is a silver lining.

23 April 2008

Neverwhere DVD

The DVD arrived already and I have it encoded to PC. DVDs are sort of a middle man for me now.

If you want a copy [info]karlthulhu let me know.

Live Mesh = Awesome

Looks like SkyDrive and FolderShare may be redundant already.

Live Mesh allows you to sync files seamlessly to other machines and to the internet.

Still only in tech preview but the concepts look cool and the architecture is so simple.

Check out some of the tours here.

22 April 2008

Twilight Princess

Playing Twilight Princess brought back fond memories of playing Ocarina of Time. Man I loved that game, such a fantastic story and now another beautiful story.

I'm taking my time with the game so I don't miss a thing.

Midna talks funny. It's cute.

21 April 2008

Neverwhere Everywhere

 suggested that I read Neverwhere by Neil Gaimen, so I did and I loved it.

I was so enthralled by it that I ordered the original DVD series and the graphic novel!

While they don't add to the story (the book version being the most complete) the graphic novel apparently presents the story better visually speaking and the original series is where it all started (I've read all about the video/film issues but that's ok)

The whole lot got me really interested in the disused underground tube stations of London. One of my company's clients is responsible for the London underground, could you imagine getting a tour of the accessible ones?

Would love to see an expansion on the story.

16 April 2008

Wii Games

Tasha and I went out for dinner last night to cheer ourselves up for not getting the house. Lime Chili Beef in Cafe Mao is very nice by the way.

We also splurged out on some new games for the Wii, Zelda Twilight Princess and Kororinpa (as inspired by Andrea and Karl). I'm holding off on Twilight Princess until I have the 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy but Tasha's already yelping with frustration on Kororinpa.

15 April 2008


The latest house in Enniskerry fell through, they were asking too much. I really wish the bloke that showed us around hadn't got our hopes up thinking it was a lot lower.

The house in Leopardstown is pretty empty now and we still have to sort out Tasha's room in Sandyford but things are in order for our move.

06 April 2008

Wii socialising

So guys, what's your Wii number so we can catch you online?

Ours is 5730 7730 3119 0127.

05 April 2008

We got a Wii

We bought a Wii (with Wii remote, nunchuck and Wii Sports) and Super Mario Galaxy and a spare Wii remote.

Smiles :)

02 April 2008

Not long now

We're in the last month of our rental in Leopardstown. The year flew in and it was great having the space. Hopefully we can sort out a house for ourselves soon but until then we'll head back to Tasha's mum and dad's.

So we're busy packing everything up up shifting it back to my parents or Tasha's.