
10 January 2005

What's Going On...???

Not a lot really.

Tasha and I are trying to decide what to do in relation to a house. We want to get away from living with parents. Should we rent or is it money wasted? Apartment or house? Blah blah madness.

We're also trying to decide where to head for Tasha's birthday. Our choices are, somewhere in Ireland down the country, London or somewhere else in the UK.

Have loads of stuff I want to sell too and nowhere to sell it.

What to do?

1 comment:

  1. can't you sell stuff on ebay?

    don't rent if you can get a mortgage- you'll be throwing money away, as it's no cheaper than a mortgage, I really wouldn't do it for more than a year if you are going to rent. Get on the property ladder, however small the place you can afford :)
