
26 August 2007


I got BioShock while we were down in Wexford. I had downloaded and played the demo and was very impressed.

It takes place in a gorgeous art deco undersea city and features an ingenious weapon system.

Had to take a break as we had a lot of sorting to do and we had to settle things for Charlie.


  1. I talked my boyfriend into getting BioShock because it's the first video game I've been this enthusiastic about in years, and I still haven't gotten to play it yet - because I have no TV to hook the XBox up to at the moment, and his house is not an option because of the dogs and my allergies. :-( But from hearing everyone talk about it, it sounds awesome.

  2. It's fantastic. The visuals are awesome, though I'm sure a HD TV would make them even better.

    I hate the feeling I might miss something as the game progresses. Suppose that's a reason to play it through when I'm done.

  3. You should check out Kingpin as well. It's a bit dated now and probably unavailable but it had a decent retro art deco feel too.

    Also Crimson Skies on the original Xbox.
