
08 January 2008

What's Up

So what's been going on with myself? Haven't made a proper post since before Cristmas.

Got lots of lovely things for Christmas including Guitar Hero III, Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warefare, Company Of Heroes, lots of DVDs and half a ton of socks!

I finally managed to figure out how to encode my DVDs to WMV successfully. I was having problems when I ripped the whole thing to a single VOB file and encoded it. The solution was to rip to seperate chapters (and sometimes cells) and stitich them together in Windows Movie Maker. Results are perfect and half the size the DVD.

We signed up to online DVD rental company Screenclick. I've thrown about 80 DVDs on my wishlist, some bits and pieces I've wanted to see for a while but couldn't be bothered to buy and some critcally acclaimed movies such as those recommended in Film4's 50 Films to See Before You Die, Metacritic's All-Time High Scores and IMDB's Top 250.

We let Charlie and Sammy out together in the sitting room for a flap about. They got on well but we'll still keep them in seperate cages for a little while.

Not too long until the Whitby Dracula Society's ball.

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