
01 September 2008


Bought and read Watchmen over the weekend. I really enjoyed it and can see why it's considered one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. Really looking forward to the film version to see how faithfully it's adapted, although the trailer looks awesome.

Also got the Crow (only recently reprinted, I believe) and Heroes graphic novels (watching season 1 of Heroes on DVD at the moment too).

And in work I'm making my way through the 500 Essential Anime Movies.


  1. all of studio gibli are essential :)

    heros is fab!

  2. So I guess now you know why I've always considered Heroes to be a "poor man's Watchmen" - I pretty much gave up on watching Heroes after a few episodes of Season 2, because it was starting to develop the "Lost syndrome", i.e. it started off well but then it became pretty clear that the writers didn't really know where the hell they wanted to go with it. Not a problem Alan Moore ever had. ;p

    The movie does actually look pretty good though, despite Zack Snyder being a bit of a hack in my opinion, and I'm looking forward to seeing it - if it's even 20% faithful to the feel of the graphic novel it'll easily be the movie of the year. ;)
