
29 May 2009


They've carried out the redundancies & thankfully I'm ok (pending further economic downturn of course)

Most of the lads were last in but the decision was based on skills/experience which they hadn't yet accumulated.

We figure it was about 8 to 10 people so it might have been 10%.

We are now without a QA coordinator so I may be greater involved in the QA area than before.

I think the only thing that saved my ass was the on call work.


  1. thats great news for you..
    of course crap for the 10% of peeps but really glad your job is safe :)

  2. I knew you could do it! Rock on!

    I agree though, too bad for those 8-10 people. Such is the way of capitalism, I suppose...

  3. urmm your brilliance? sad news for those that didnt make it but it a cut throat world out there so hang in and keep doing what you're doing

  4. Thank goodness you're OK... You just have to make yourself indispensable, I guess.

  5. I am so pleased for you that is excellent news!!

    You are fogetting the factor that you totally rock and that will of course saved your ass, that and I bet they have heard about your riversdancing and 'see my vest'- you are quality material being as multi talented as that!

    seriously though...big YAY!!!

  6. I'm really glad for you.
