
19 October 2004

Weekend In

lady_bastet and I invited some friends over last weekend for a
night in. We had a pretty chilled out evening listening to music, drinking,
chatting and, in an homage to cheesy dad's projector slideshows, I showed
some of my digital photos on my notebook.

Some people stayed the night and I had a go at cooking breakfast in the
morning. As far as I know casualties have been minimal :P

I ordered a book about geisha's for lady_bastet, which arrived yesterday. It's produced in a
photo-documentary style and the photography is excellent, bit sparse on
words but it's not that type of book.


  1. I love geisha's, and find them facinating!

    You must get Tash to LJ so I can be her LJ friend!

    I'll get round to emailing you back later today! Completely knackered after Carnival! and I am at work with limited internet access at the mo!

  2. Tasha has stopped her LJ for private entries and will be posting general chit chat from now on. Her nick is if you want to link her. No posts yet though.

    Talk soon

  3. Hi John, it's Bex here from WDS. I added you - hope you don't mind......

  4. Hi there!
    I've added just Tasha to my friends and I'm sure Andrea will within moments. We're getting quite excited about Whitby now, I'm sure you are too...

  5. Hello to all and thanks for your comments and adding me as friends. Didn't think my LJ would take off at all.

    I'm looking forward to meeting up with all you guys in Whitby. Hope everyone's managed to put by some spending money. So... much... to... buy!!!
