
14 December 2005


What with having poor TV reception in 's room, we've been watching quite a few of our DVDs over the past few weeks. We've already gotten through Season 2 of Quantum Leap, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & a good few more.

Last night, I watched The Crow. In the past I've always watched it with quite a low brightness setting on the TV to keep the mood but this time I wanted to catch some more visual details. Whether, it was this or because I haven't watched it in a while, it felt like quite a different movie.

I was also reminded what a fantastic soundtrack and score it had. From The Cure to Nine Inch Nails to ...Thrill Kill Kult, all in all forming a perfect moody backdrop.

As was pointed out on iegoth, Jane Siberry will be playing in Dublin next March. Jane provided the soundtrack interpretation of Hangman's Joke's (Eric Draven's band) song "It Can't Rain All The Time". A haunting end to the movie & a sad reminder of Brandon Lee's passing.

Favourite Quotes:

T-Bird: "Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is."

Eric: "Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children."


  1. Been watching season 3 of Quantum Leap lately. I'd forgotten how good that show was and it doesn't seem to have aged that much at all

  2. I havent seen teh crow in an age. I loved the music in that movie..have the soundtrack around here somewhere *roots*
