
30 January 2007

Back Again

lady_bastet & I have returned from Whitby & the Whitby Dracula Society ball.

First & foremost, it was great to see our UK friends, karlthulhu, littlepinkfaery, gothichaven & r0chet as well as our new acquaintances Dillon & Cat, hugs to all you guys. Most of the time was spent window shopping (as a lot of places were closed for renovation but some were open) & having tea.

The Whitby Dracula Society ball itself was good fun. One or two familiar faces from the train ride last October but always hard to tell due to masks. Usual music was played with a leaning more towards trad goth. karlthulhu won scariest nightmare (Nightmares & Fairytales being theme) & gothichaven won best mask.

When all the others had headed, lady_bastet & I had a day for her birthday. Again we looked around & got her some nice pressies then went for dinner in the evening.

Long tiring journey back today finished things off. lady_bastet really likes Whitby & would give anything to live there me thinks.


  1. it was so lovely to see the both of you too! check your emails- I have to you and Tash re June ball :)

    Thanks for the card by the way- you two are so sweet!

    when we opening that tea shop come burlesque club then?

  2. sounds like fun but what would you do in whitby for jobs,although it a cheaper part of the uk
