
27 March 2009

Notebook Remote

I got the travel remote for my Studio 17 yesterday. I’m surprised they didn’t include it by default as it’s dead handy.

It works perfectly with Media Center & Media Player but doesn’t seem to operate in Windows itself i.e. higher or lower the system volume (it may only be programmed to trigger certain responses)

Most of all it slots seamlessly into the ExpressCard slot on the left side of the notebook.

Do The Right Thing

Great movie & here’s Radio Raheem’s excellent monologue to Mookie:

Let me tell you the story of "Right Hand, Left Hand." It's a tale of good and evil. Hate: It was with this hand that Cane iced his brother. Love: These five fingers, they go straight to the soul of man. The right hand: the hand of love. The story of life is this: Static. One hand is always fighting the other hand; and the left hand is kicking much ass. I mean, it looks like the right hand, Love, is finished. But, hold on, stop the presses, the right hand is coming back. Yeah, he got the left hand on the ropes, now, that's right. Ooh, it's the devastating right and Hate is hurt, he's down. Left-Hand Hate K.O.ed by Love.

Depeche Mode

Just order 4 tickets for Depeche Mode in December, €288 (£270)!

Still, I wouldn’t miss it.

18 March 2009

Social Life?

I’ve been looking over some of the photos people have posted on Facebook & it’s made me a bit nostalgic & that I don’t get out to Dominion or even just seeing the gang as much (although Dominion is a convenient meeting place).

Unfortunately, with the physical effort needed for the house I haven’t had the energy lately.

But I’ve decided I’m going to try to go at least once a month from now on.

It did feel odd the last time (& first in the new venue) seeing lots of new faces in the place. Kind of felt like the years spent in Frazer’s (mainly) never happened even more so than the move to Isaac Butt’s.

All that being said Tasha will be home on Friday so it may not be this weekend.

17 March 2009


I’ve been playing Far Cry Instincts from the original Xbox for the past few days. Bit odd considering I have about half a dozen top Xbox 360 titles to play but I just got sucked into it.

I’ve bought quite a few Xbox games from Amazon UK for very cheap (usually you get about 5 games for less than 1 Xbox 360 game). I ordered some more yesterday.

Most of them are backwards compatible so they’ll work on the Xbox 360 but once I’m set up in the house I won’t mind playing the others on the Xbox.

I was so inspired by Far Cry’s jungle fun that I watched Predator. El cazador trofeo de los hombres kicks everyone's ass (except Arnie of course)

16 March 2009


We had a thoroughly exhausting weekend with the house. We ordered a proper skip as we had quite a lot of junk to dump & the concrete/rubble had to be moved out of the skip bag so I had to move about a ton of concrete & soil from the skip bag to the proper skip. Took about 2 hours & then we had the junk from the backyard.

My legs & back are wrecked now but should be back in order by midweek, still at least all the junk was gone.

On Sunday I had a go at raking the backyard. The last tenants left tin cans (thrown out to feed the dogs!), bottles, balls, Styrofoam, a torn up duvet reduced to fluff, etc. matted in the grass & dirt so it was quite a chore.

While I was doing that Tasha trimmed some of the out of control bushes in the front.

On another note, Tasha is gone to Whitby to sort out the wedding plans so I’m on my own for the week :( Still I hope she has a good time anyway.

14 March 2009

11 March 2009


Did it successfully make the transition from graphic novel to screen? I think so.

We went to see it last weekend & the only major change that surprised me was the climax.

Sure they had to leave bits out, such as the Tales of the Black Freighter sub-comic & the newspaper salesman/comic kid, that added depth to the graphic novel but these were elements that reinforced the main concepts not presented new ones.

The other difficulty in migrating the movie is that the Cold War doesn’t have as much impact as it did have when the graphic novel was first released, only 4 years before the Cold War ended. All the paranoia & contempt was still very much in the minds of everyone back then. We do have terrorist threats nowadays but (hopefully) they will not wipe out all life on Earth.

But all in all I enjoyed it & look forward to the DVD to get some background info by way of director’s commentary regarding the decision/development process.

09 March 2009


I got Street Fighter IV yesterday evening. Ah, it brings back memories. I haven’t been able to buy/download the HD remix edition of Super Street Fighter 2 but I already have the anniversary edition on the original Xbox.

Still it’s quite different as I missed out on SF after Super SF so there’s lots of new elements to pick up.

I also migrated all my game licenses from the old Xbox 360 to the Elite as well as downloading any title updates, while I had our purloined wi-fi.

I have so many games to play it’s stoopid.