
16 March 2009


We had a thoroughly exhausting weekend with the house. We ordered a proper skip as we had quite a lot of junk to dump & the concrete/rubble had to be moved out of the skip bag so I had to move about a ton of concrete & soil from the skip bag to the proper skip. Took about 2 hours & then we had the junk from the backyard.

My legs & back are wrecked now but should be back in order by midweek, still at least all the junk was gone.

On Sunday I had a go at raking the backyard. The last tenants left tin cans (thrown out to feed the dogs!), bottles, balls, Styrofoam, a torn up duvet reduced to fluff, etc. matted in the grass & dirt so it was quite a chore.

While I was doing that Tasha trimmed some of the out of control bushes in the front.

On another note, Tasha is gone to Whitby to sort out the wedding plans so I’m on my own for the week :( Still I hope she has a good time anyway.


  1. The garden of the house my dad moved into after my parents split up was essentially hard packed earth with all kinds of... junk... sticking out of it and kinda covered with some loose straw. The previous residents had apparently used it for their dogs and thrown random other stuff out there but never actually gone out there themselves.

    By the time he moved out it was nice grass, some flowerbeds and veg patch.

  2. go you!

    And who would have thought there would come a time we could publically talk about a lady trimming her bush! Whatever is the world coming to! LOL!

  3. Wow....and ours get their food ladled into bowls each morning with their vitamin capsules. They even get to lick the spoon when I'm done serving. I am ashamed at how spoiled they are!

    I did read about Tasha and her bush. I had to rub my eyes several times to make sure I was seeing correctly.

    You all moved in now, then?

  4. I know, I couldn't help but giggle every time we mentioned it but then again I am a boy after all.

  5. They're the sort of places even David Bellamy wouldn't venture.

  6. Oh no, not yet! Maybe moved in by Easter.

    But Willie is just done with the new "portal" i.e. dining/front room door & the little leaks are fixed. Shower is installed.

    Just have to get some wall sanding done & we can get to work on decorating.

  7. Work is progressing well I see. Good stuff. I got a giggle from Tasha's bush line too and like others thought I was seeing things. Lol. I'm sure she's doing ok in Whitby and plenty to talk about when she's back. She'll be back in no time. :)
