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06 October 2009

Creating a ping-frastructure

As friends on Twitter & Facebook will have noticed, I've been experimenting with

The primary idea was to update one place i.e. the website & it propagates to many i.e. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, etc. This works fine just as designed.

However, another service called TwitterFeed added a new possibility. TwitterFeed primarily allows you to push RSS feeds to Twitter but more importantly it supports the API so you can build your feeds on TwitterFeed to update and consequently all your other services.

Ultimately, what this means is if you upload a new video to YouTube or favour one, add a new bookmark to Delicious, love a track on, etc. it's automatically pushed out to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, etc. as these all have RSS feeds that can be TwitterFed.

While some of these services do cross over e.g. Delicious updating Twitter, they don’t cover all the services like this solution.

In this way you’re making you’re normal activity on sites work for you instantly.

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