
19 November 2009

Wild Birds

I’m lucky to be in an office on the ground floor as I have a “flower” bed outside the window which comes up to the window itself.

This is good because I like to feed the wild birds. As many know, we have two cockatiels but the wild birds are like my adopted pets.

Every morning I cast out some wild bird seed and some peanuts or bits of bread. In fact, before I can even do that, the big wood pigeon usually lands and gives a nod that he wants some seed.

After that the two magpies come over and gorge themselves on the peanuts, stuffing 6 or 7 in their beaks before flying off to hide them.

Sometimes I get a robin or even a big hooded crow. In the past, I’ve also gotten blackbirds, jackdaws and even a few different types of tit (no jokes)

I’m sure the lads in work think I’m mad but what the heck, it makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. thats wonderful... keep it up hun they will need that come the winter.. we feed in the back garden they love it :-)
