
25 April 2005

Birthday Fun & The Rest

Now begins my typical "How was the weekend post?". But it wasn't a typical weekend. We were invited over to our friend, Seb's "surprise" birthday, by his girlfriend Maggie. I say surprise, he arrived before we even got there. Oh well, he was a happy bunny anyway because a good few people arrived & he got a crossbow. Strange how lethal projectile weapons can bring a smile to a grown man's face.

I'm quite flattered that we were invited. We've known Seb for a good few years now but haven't interacted with him outside of Dominion. It's good to meet up with them & others in a different environment.

After that it was on to Dominion. Our friend Rachel, & her boyfriend Phil, were over from Birmingham. Again another lovely couple. Got some lovely photos of them being all romant-ickey.

As usual, the rest of Dominion was a drunken blur, yakking to people & snapping photos to beat the band. Have about 80 from Dominion & 30 from Seb & Maggie's.


  1. the people demand to see the photographic evidence ;)

  2. Just uploaded links to iegoth.

