
25 April 2005

New PC Case & Room Photos

I promised I'd post up a few photos of my new PC case & I have. They're at

I also took some photos of our Living Dead Dolls, Bleeding Edge Goths & Little Apple Dolls. I have a bit of an obsession with them :P


  1. snazzy computer!

    you have more bleeding edge goths than me :( I don't like the new range, the velvet is too bulky, the only nice one is the school girl :)

    I like the Apple dools, but they are SOOOOOO expensive!

  2. We have series 1 - 7 of the Living Dead Dolls & numerous special ones, series 1 & 2 of the Bleeding Edge Goths.

    Can't stop getting them. I feel I'd regret it if I missed out on a set.

    You can get the 3 Little Apple Dolls as a triple box set, not sure if it's any cheaper though.

  3. not sure if it is much cheaper unfortunately!
