
13 July 2005

Dominion Photos

I've posted on my LJ recently about my concerns regarding the photos in Dominion but this was more in relation to my methods of hosting. Without waffling on about it too much, I was just wondering what people think about taking the photos in general.

Are people who attend Dominion sick of them? Do people who don't attend look forward to them? Would a greater mix of people be liked?

As I've already said, if people ask to be left out entirely, that's fine. If people prefer to screen them first, that's also fine.

I'm really keen to hear people's responses & I'd like to talk to people in Dominion too (if I can stay sober long enough)


  1. I like the photos. On occasion, they've been the only way that I've been able to remember anything about the night.

  2. it can be amusing/nice to see photos of drunken dominionites, but i'd prefer to keep any pics of my mug private (i have seen myself wasted and its quite a disturbing sight), think screening is the way to go, altho perhaps thats very messy/complicated for you?

  3. Perfect post to intro to your journal, John. :)

    I love the Dominion photos you take, but I do find I spend more time on the dancefloor shots looking for other people I know.

    What else I'd like to see is names of everyone, if you know them, but I know with 100+ pictures, that can get time consuming.

    If nothing else, don't stop taking the pictures. I do love them. :)

  4. i actually find i don't mind *terribly* much because you've got a bit of discretion. if you take a photo where someone looks like a total wanker, you go "ack," and delete it rather than posting us all looking cross-eyed and open-mouthed.

  5. This is it. I'd never put up a photo that looks crap & if people really want, they can check the preview on the camera after it's taken.

    Although I could think a photo's ok & the person doesn't, hence the screening process.

  6. Hi Sandra. Glad you enjoy the photos & I'll try to get shots of other people you might know in the future.

    The names are a tricky one, time-wise. I'm trying to work out the quickest workflow to get them online, hence the current photo queries. If there is anyone you're curious about, email me or iegoth as before.

  7. i like them. especially when i have to be across an ocean from here, and i can look at them and go "yay! there are my friends having fun!"


  8. Glad you enjoyed them. Some cute ones of you being very nonchalant last week.
