
14 July 2005

My LJ Jerry Springer Episode

Got a hilarious mock Jerry Springer with friends mail from ickle_tayto. This is the closet quiz I could find on Blog Quiz, still pretty funny...

LiveJournal Username
The person who confessed their a stripper to pay rent...mickmercer
The person who had sex with they're step family sionnachoghma
The person who came out to their dad and was murdered by him a week later ....bexylu
The rascist one hizhnik
Thr transexual who confessed to their partner who was mad but ended up having sex anyway....mister_endon
Transexual's Partner alan_ie
Maniac who killed everyone on set during the christmas special who is now in jail....r0chet
Y our Chances of Surviving an Episode
This Fun Quiz created by Jesse at BlogQuiz.Net
Taurus Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

mister_endon & alan_ie, cute couple


  1. we'll get you, and make you our gimp boy servant. it was a secret relationship you cad!

  2. Right, because everything's so secret in that world of yours over there.
