
21 July 2005

Well, well, well...

What have we here?

A drunken so & so, that's what!

I think I've figured out the whole drinking thing, eat some food, few glasses of wine, done that before & I was fine. But not last night. Hit me like truck. Yes a bit of Absinthe was also in the mix but very little.

I'm not too bothered if I stumble about or splurge out sentences & talk gibberish but most of all, numero uno, I make it difficult for my lady_bastet. I love her so much yet things like this put undue stress on her.

I think I'll have to knock the wine drinking on the head. I always underestimate it.

So sorry if I tottered about like a g0bshite to all attending last night. Hope I was tolerable to some extent. Just remind me over the next while what odds & ends I promised.

Encode NMA VHS stuff for nephster13, check

Forgot Gothic Beauty magazines for paddywisha, doh!

Top tips from gothicfurby re: skin care, check

Hope everyone had a good night nonetheless


  1. hmm... dodgy picture involving myself, a slice of pizza, and a marshmallow Peep?

  2. Oh it's a dodgy pic alright. Some more cute ones of you & B.

    Will upload the photos to a private gallery shortly (friends only)
