
18 July 2005

Happy Birthday to Dominion...

As most people know, last Saturday was Dominion's sixth birthday. I've been going since between the first & second birthday so I'm not as much a veteran as most.

The guys had a video night which went down well as usual. I think there was a bit of video skipping but sound was fine. I'm still working on encoding my DVDs, bit of a delay cause of the new hard drive.

Took copious amounts of photos. Tried to move about a bit this time & took a few nice tattoo shots. Will try to do more of them in the future, interesting motif.

Will give the photos a few days on iegoth before I post the link


  1. Love the photo's (except for the ones of me) I had no idea you took so many... Keep em coming

  2. It's like I have a nervous twitch on the shutter button.

    You're shots are fine, love the top
