
19 August 2005

Cool LJ Friends Quiz

Here be me answers, ya horn swagglers...

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet pentameterpunk? Tasha lent her her sewing machine
2.~What would you do if you had never met _wirehead_? Missed out on another zany, petit, cute American lady.
3.~What do you honestly think of gothicfurby? She's divine, dahling!
4.~Would or did ickle_tayto and mister_endon go out? No
5.~Have you ever liked steam_doll? She's very pretty, but I'm taken & she's in America!
6.~If gothichaven died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Meeting her showed me that there are great people out there, just a greeting away
7.~Would nephster13 and banshee_annie make a good couple? Maybe, but again she's in the US
8.~Describe sanderella_ in 3 words: Energetic, Rocktastic & Canadian
9.~Do you think hizhnik is hot? Too right :P
10.~Would gothichaven and lady_bastet make a lovely couple? Sure, big boobs-a-rama (I'm awful)
11.~What do you think of when you see mister_endon? Sunshine, lollypops & rainbows...
12.~Tell me something humiliating about banshee_annie: There is nothing
13.~Do you know any of bexylu's family members? Nope
14.~What's lady_bastet's favorite color? Black
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is sionnachoghma? Bloke, but 6, he's very endearing
16.~What would you do if littlepinkfaery just professed their undying love for you? Fear a beating from Tasha but littlepinkfaery's a fantastic lady
17.~What language does ickle_tayto speak? Klingon, ACH BLUU TACH or maybe English
18.~Who is lady_bloodlust going out with? Beaky
19.~Is bronaghbainin a boy or a girl? She's a lady!!!
20.~Would catamite and littlepinkfaery make a good couple? They sure do. Perfect match
21.~Who do you think paddywisha would be great with from this list? Careful now. She has her eyes on a prize atm
22.~When was the last time you talked to hizhnik? Dominion last week
23.~What is steam_doll's favorite band? Not sure
24.~Does nephster13 have any siblings? Sexy sister apparently
25.~Would you ever date bexylu? She's in the UK & only know her a wee bit
26.~Would you ever date sanderella_? She's in the US & only know her a wee bit
27.~Is paddywisha single? Temporarily, babe like that won't be single for long :P
28.~What is lady_bastet's last name? Doyle (She's Mrs Doyle from Fr Ted, sorry Ms Doyle)
29.~What is catamite's middle name? Can't recall though he does have a thorough LJ bio
30~What is gothicfurby's fantasy? Wouldn't I like to know ;-)
31.~Where does bronaghbainin live? The US
32.~Would you make out with pentameterpunk? Careful now again, Tasha beatings emminent. But she is cute.
33.~Are _wirehead_ and bexylu best friends? Nope. wirehead in US & bexylu in UK. Never met.
34.~Does sanderella_ like lady_bastet? Ah yeah. Only a few meetings but good vibes
35.~How did you meet catamite? At Whitby, staying in same guest house
36.~Is hizhnik older than you? Think so. Checked & he is by a little bit.
37.~Is lady_bastet the sexiest person alive? TOO FUCKING RIGHT, SHE'S MY T-BOO!!!

... Calm down, calm down


  1. Eeee! I love how you got my nationality right in number 8, but got my residence wrong in number 26.

    :P :P

    Hopefully, whatever night it is I DO get to spend in Dublin (Probably Wednesday the 2nd...) you can come out for a few pints and we'll have a good chat. :)

    I added Tasha a few weeks ago... and she didn't notice!!!!

  2. 20.~Would catamite and littlepinkfaery make a good couple? They sure do. Perfect match

    wierd that one! I think I got gothichaven and R0chet togher-which was an odd thing as well!

    Funny this- yours seemed quite mixed but mine seemed obsessed with R0chet! ( gabi's Mr Simon)

    10.~Would gothichaven and lady_bastet make a lovely couple? Sure, big boobs-a-rama (I'm awful)

    ohh too like Karl that answer- no wonder you get on with each other!

  3. For both points, yes, very coincidental.

  4. Um, LOL. That meme's insinuations would get us both snapped like twigs. But I appreciate the compliments. :-P

    (I guess that's what I get for having three livejournals.)
