
09 August 2005

IE7 RSS Integration

IE7 will have integrated RSS capabilites when it's finally released so I've added in the code to enable my LJ as my integrated RSS feed. All you do is stick

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Blaquewraith's News" href="">

in your homepage (with your own details of course). That's it. Not much point now but what the heck!


  1. why are you still using IE??

    firefox already has RSS integration, btw.

  2. Yep what am I like?

    Couldn't be arsed changing over.

  3. do it! you know you want to.

    and have a fairly objective article about why IE is bad.

  4. you beat me to it. exactly what i was going to say.

    you want *tabs* you know you do.

  5. I downloaded FireFox before & gave it a go but as I format my PC quite a bit, I got bored having to put it back on. I'm going to get it again though as I want to test how my site performs in it.

    As for the debate on IE. I'm very diligent about spyware. I know you shouldn't have to be but I usually only surf the same old sites, all legit.

    I've designed my site to adhere to HTML 4.01 & CSS 2 & at that it's very basic. As for other sites, that's for them to sort out.

    Tabbed browsing is included with the MSN toolbar & works pretty well.

    It is very true the Mozilla has been forging ahead while MS rested on it's laurels. As I said, going to give FireFox another go anyway.
